TypeCon Philadelphia Postponed to 2021


(Visit TypeCon for original post and following updates).

We’d like to thank everyone for your support of TypeCon through the years — it’s your participation that makes TypeCon as vibrant and energetic as it is.

TypeCon is produced by a non-profit organization focused on the type and lettering community. Making decisions that benefit our whole community is of the utmost importance to us. 

Needless to say, there’s a lot going on in the world that has our attention and we have been taking the necessary time not to make any missteps. The time spent in recent months quietly behind the scenes has been centered around renegotiating our hotel contract and setting new dates and expectations for the content we can deliver this year, as well as our goals to see each other in 2021.

Given the state of the pandemic globally, we’ve decided to postpone this year’s conference in Philadelphia until August 16th – 22nd, 2021. An overwhelming number of reasons led us to this decision, but a couple stood out:

  • Our responsibility to you and everyone’s health — physical and emotional. We asked ourselves over and over if we could be putting people’s health on the line, would the sheer stress of traveling and the concerns of exposure be worth selfishly having a conference that could compromise anyone? (The answer for us is obvious.)

  • We felt that current and potential travel restrictions would likely hinder a large group of our typographic community from attending TypeCon. It is all of us together that makes TypeCon special. As such, we’ve made the decision to hold the physical conference until a time where the typographic community’s access to the event is not limited by geography.

We will continue to explore options and formats for delivering informative, fun, and engaging content this year, while we look forward to seeing all of you at TypeCon2021 in Philadelphia. Keep following us on our social media channels to keep up with what we do have in store for the remainder of this year. 

Again, thank you for supporting TypeCon.


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