Blog Posts

In this blog, I will be sharing updates on any community initiatives I’m a part of, along with my insights and experiences as a designer, as well as tips and best practices for creating effective and beautiful digital products and teams. I hope this space will be a source of inspiration and education for anyone interested.

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DP1 follow up

Wednesday night was presentations for DP1, our first “discussion point” for the semester, checkpoint presentations to make sure we’re staying on course for thesis. We had to present to a panel of professors and fellow thesis students, recapping our research from last semester and discuss how it is informing our progress into studio. We had show any explorations we’ve made in terms of visuals and concepts and desciribe where we want them to lead in terms of a finished product for studio.

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Thesis Studio Recap

Worked out some directions on where to take studio.

After looking into more digitally interactive spaces, played with the idea of an interactive playspace, like a puppet theatre, where people could add text and images and manipulate and add to them. The whole space could be like a storybook setting rather than just a stage.

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