Announcing Date NPS

How was your last date?

How likely are you to recommend your last date to a friend or colleague?

Let us know what you think about your last date by answering at DateNPS.

Responses are anonymous and posted at @DateNPS

What is NPS?

NPS stands for “Net Promoter Score.” Ever get an email from a company or service asking you, “How likely are you to recommend your last date to a friend or colleague?” That score is what they’re trying to determine with that question. It serves as a proxy for gauging someone’s overall satisfaction with a product or service and their loyalty to the brand.

Interested in learning more about it? Read this article from Medallia.

Nick Di Stefano

I’m a product design lead fascinated by the intersection of people, technology, and design.

I’m a designer from Boston, MA with over 10 years of experience in leading teams and shipping complex digital products. I’m passionate about building strong team cultures, creating thoughtful products, and advocating for DEI in tech. I enjoy untangling complex systems and collaborating across disciplines to create measurable change.

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