UX Question Check List

At Mendix, these are some questions we encourage partners to consider when defining and scoping proof-of-concept projects:

Know the Users

  • Who are your users?

  • Who are the business users?

  • Who are the end users?

  • How would you describe the users?

  • What are the goals/motivations of the business?

  • What are the goals/motivations of the end users?

  • What are the fears/obstructions of the business?

  • What are the fears/obstructions of the end user?

Know the Context

  • What is the user’s story?

  • What’s happening when they use it?

  • When/where will they access it?

  • How will they use it?

  • What dependencies does it rely on?

  • What device(s)?

Task Analysis/Prioritization

  • What will users do on the site?
    (User tasks, content, features and functionality)

  • Which tasks are critical to users' success?

  • Which tasks are most important to users?

  • Which features of the site will users use the most?

  • Which features are prone to usability issues?

  • Which tasks are critical to the organization's success?

  • How often will users frequent it?

  • What will compel users to return?

Measurable Usability Objectives

  • Which tasks should users be able to accomplish easily with few errors?

  • Which tasks should users be able to finish quickly and efficiently?

  • What level of satisfaction should users have after using the site?

Where to Excel

  • What are major pain points?

  • What needs aren’t currently being met?

  • What data to you currently have?

  • How would the business define success?

  • How would the end user define success?

  • What’s the one thing we must get right to make it worthwhile?

Nick Di Stefano

I’m a product design lead fascinated by the intersection of people, technology, and design.

I bring over 12 years of experience in leading teams and shipping complex digital products. I enjoy untangling complex systems and collaborating across disciplines to create measurable change.


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